The Biggest Week In American Birding
From the Warbler Capital of the World, Kimberly writes: The third annual Biggest Week In American Birding is almost here, and my team at Black Swamp Bird Observatory (BSBO) has been working like crazy to take care of every last detail. What I've been focusing on is outreach to the local communities about the value and importance of birds and habitat conservation. Leveraging all the buzz we've created about the number of birders that visit this area in spring, and the incredible economic impact visiting birders have on the region, I've been giving lots of presentations to all kinds of diverse groups, from rotary clubs to the Advertisers Club of Toledo. This year, it really seems to be having a major impact. The communities are really beginning to embrace bird migration as one of the region's most unique assets and they're lending their support and endorsements in some very special ways. For instance, the world-famous Tol...