South Africa Trip, Day 4: Pretoriuskop Camp, KNP

Kimberly Writes: A major shift in weather today, with much cooler temps and light rain. We stayed close to camp and had a very low key day. But even with a more relaxed pace, we saw amazing birds and wildlife! Most of these were in the area right around our little bungalow. The African Buffalo was just a few miles outside camp! 

African Green Pigeons have been common in each of the camps we've visited.

Vervet Monkeys are all over the camp in the mornings. This one was tending its young infant and keeping it away from the Helmeted Guinea Fowl that are also all over in and around the camp. That thing stretched out behind it is its incredibly long tail!

Marico Sunbird
We stood and watched dozens of four different species of sunbirds in this gorgeous tree! (We're still working out the ID on the tree, but it looked a lot like a Mimosa.)

I was disappointed that my photo didn't come out well, but I decided to share it anyway because the bird was just so fabulous! This is a Green-Wood Hoopoe. In a different family than the African Hoopoe, but just as spectacular!
As if their looks weren't bizarre enough, Warthogs also forage on their knees!
Our lovely little bungalow
Cape Buffalo are so intense, even when they're relaxed and dozing. 

Guess what?! It's another starling!
The Red-winged Starling.
Black-collared Barbet
We watched this bird feeding young in a cavity not far from our bungalow!
Crested Barbet
Beautiful, even though it's in heavy molt, and you can't see its crest.


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