The CBC Shuffle

From Oak Harbor, Ohio, Kim writes: We had a great time on the Toledo CBC, which is run by the Toledo Naturalists' Association, a group that can make any experience fun.

Case in point... Check this out. I know it's kind of dark, but just look at my CBC Comrades as they seek to rid themselves of a "sticky" situation that we found ourselves in after we took a wrong turn down a VERY muddy road.

Don't they look like some strange species dancing on a lek? * Note - There are a few females in the video, but they seem pretty unaffected by the displaying males.

Hey Kenn, maybe next year we could do a CBC in, ohhh..I don't know...Key Largo?!


  1. Wow, listen to the wind in that video. ((Brrrrr!)) It makes me cold just thinking about it.
    Hope the weather is better for the Cincinnati CBC coming up soon.


  2. That one male is really spectacular!


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