Off to the White Continent...
From--Home Base (for a few more minutes): Kim writes: Well, folks, this is it. Kenn and I are on our way out the door, onto a plane, and off on the adventure of a lifetime--ANTARCTICA! I got two words for ya ~ BABY PENGUINS! woooo--hoooo!!!! We'll make every attempt to stay in touch during the trip, but just in case we can't, my techno-savvy husband has some surprises lined up for readers of this blog that you will not want to miss--so keep checking in! Here's a link to our trip itinerary , so you can at least "follow along" if you'd like. And here's a link the the trip writeup from the Victor Emanuel Nature Tours website to give you an idea of what this trip will be like: We wish you all the happiest, healthiest, birdiest New Year, and look forward to sharing it with you! I am soooo excited! I can...