Raising Nonprofits

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
~margaret mead

From Home Base, Kim writes: Well, this logo pretty much sums up a large portion of my life over the last ten years. At our banquet last Saturday night, I used the analogy of an adopted child. I didn't give birth to BSBO --but I couldn't care about it more if I had.

When Kenn came into my life, he took a look at my "child" and saw a lot of potential. And, while the kid needed a lot of work, he could see that the foundation was strong. So, Kenn became the totally supportive step dad; fully engaged in raising this "child".

No offense, of course, to those who are raising actual humans. I admit that I have no human babies of my own. So, I can't speak with any authority on the challenges of parenthood. But, I gotta tell ya...raising a nonprofit is no cakewalk!
You invest your heart and soul in it. Then, you work endlessly to inspire others to invest themselves in it. And, eventually, hopefully, the little nonprofit begins to grow up and do great things in the world. And when the stars finally align, you get to revel in the moments when it shines from all that nurturing.

Last weekend's Annual BSBO Banquet & Weekend Celebration was a series of those moments for me, and I watched with pride and awe as BSBO spread its wings and soared. I just can't say enough about how wonderful this celebration really was. For those of you who have ever planned a big event, you know that no matter how hard you work to make sure that everything runs smoothly....you'll always have a few complaints. Well, after a jam-packed weekend--NOT A SINGLE COMPLAINT! Not one! I can't tell you how proud I am of my staff, the BSBO Board, and all the volunteers who made this happen. And, I have to say, I'm also really proud of Port Clinton (PC), Ohio.

I'll write about this in more detail later, but, we have cultivated great support for the Observatory from the PC business community through something we call our BSBO Business Alliance. We put together an Enterprise Tour on Saturday afternoon, and encouraged birders to visit the businesses who are supporting BSBO. I've heard from several businesses who were part of the tour, and they were thrilled at the number of visitors they had on Saturday. During what is normally an incredibly slow time, their shops were bustling with birders! Nothing like a mutually beneficial partnership! Thanks, Port Clinton!

More later, but, thank you to everyone who came out and spent the weekend with us. From the Friday night ROCKIN FOR THE BIRDS benefit concert at Mango Mamas, Kenn's brilliant Waterfowl ID Workshop on Saturday morning, the evening banquet on Saturday night when our guest speaker, Norman Smith of Massachusetts Audubon received a standing ovation for his incredible program on Snowy & Saw-whet Owls, to the field trips on Sunday morning that filled our eyes, ears, and hearts with the magic of the marsh region.....we had a fabulous time, and, if you were there, we sincerely hope that you did too!
Here are a few links to posts from fellow bloggers who spent the weekend with us:


  1. Hurray for this--and for the title itself. Too often we think of nonprofits as simply "rising," forgetting that they need as much rearing as any other creature or creation.
    Someday I'll come see your observatory, I hope!

  2. Congrats on the success. Here's to more to come in the future.

    When Dad and I make the trip over to Magee and the surrounding area from NE Ohio we try to stop in for lunch at one of the business partners listed on the BSBO website. We always make sure we're wearing a BSBO cap or t-shirt. The staff at every place we've visited has never failed to note the BSBO logo and express their appreciation.

  3. Congrats on what sounds like an amazing weekend. I'm continually inspired by folks like yourself, whom I come across more and more, with such deep passion for what I perceive has become their calling.

    Best wishes for BSBO, like Rick I hope I make it out there one day. Or night, I'm all about the nocturnal skies, too!

  4. Yo Kimmay!
    You cats really rock. Although...you could use a little more cow bell!
    Thanks for the party and all of great things you're doing.

    PS- Billy Idol as a birder...hmmmm...


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