The Next Birding Movie, part 2: it's no walk in the park
From Oak Harbor, Ohio, Kenn writes: Back on July 14 I wrote about a feature-length film, A Birder's Guide to Everything, that was about to start shooting under the direction of a remarkable young filmmaker, Rob Meyer. If you don't want to scroll all the way back to that date, you can read my earlier post at this link. In August, at Meyer's invitation, I had a chance to visit the set for a few days. Now, I've watched a lot of movies but I didn't know much about how they were made, and it was fascinating to have this behind-the-scenes view. Although this isn't a filmmaking blog, this particular movie has birding as a main element, so I figured it was legit to write about it here. To keep things manageable I'll break this up into multiple posts rather than writing one incredibly long post. So, class, today's lesson: there is a HUGE AMOUNT OF WORK that goes into making a film! Seriously. I was stunned to see the dedication and the att...